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Protocol Days
Written by Matthew Amsden
Updated over a week ago

The term 'Protocol Day' on Efforia refers to the count of days from when a participant joins a protocol. The day you join is considered "Protocol Day 1." It helps in scheduling future tasks within the protocol from the day you started.

It's important to note that 'Protocol Days' are different from 'Treatment Days.' While 'Protocol Day 1' is the day you join the protocol, 'Treatment Day 1' is the day you start the actual treatment. The treatment might not begin on 'Protocol Day 1' because there could be initial activities like baseline measurements or waiting for product shipments.

In short, 'Protocol Days' track the overall participant journey in a protocol, while 'Treatment Days' focus on the time you're actively engaged in the treatment part of the protocol. If you need further clarification, feel free to reach out to our support team..

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