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Understanding Efforia's Approach to Sensitive Topics
Understanding Efforia's Approach to Sensitive Topics
Written by Patrick Killen
Updated over a week ago

Efforia encourages a diversity of perspectives and covers a wide range of topics, promoting citizen science and inclusivity.

However, to maintain a safe and ethical environment, For certain sensitive categories, additional review and protections are necessary:


Sexual health-related materials, including those related to sexual performance and enjoyment - including genital augmentation, will be reviewed and potentially approved if they have reasonable merit.
However, such protocols will be given significant scrutiny, and only such topics that are dealt with responibly and maturely will be approved.

Efforia encourages authors to carefully consider when to use sexually explicit imagery and other content. Material that is intended solely to erotically stimulate must be avoided. Material, even if graphic, is permissible as long as it is instructional in nature, specifically related to the protocol, all subjects in any imagery are over the age of 18 and have provided their consent in writing (and such documentation must be shared with Efforia).

Any material of a sexual nature will be labeled as a "Mature Topic" and will not be available to participants under 21, and may be available only on the web (i.e., not via native iOS and Android apps depending on current Apple and Google guidance).

A limited set of illegal activities

In very rare instances, Efforia may be able to approve protocols that include components that would otherwise be illegal in a specific jurisdiction if those activities have significant potential to improve outcomes or reduce risk levels.

In some cases, obtaining a certificate of confidentiality from the US National Institutes of Health may be required, a process that can take several months and requires paperwork.

Any material covering illicit or illegal drugs will be labeled as "Mature Topic," will not be available to participants under 21, and may be available only on the web (i.e., not via native iOS and Android apps).

Illegal and Controlled Substances

While attitudes towards certain substances have evolved, protocols involving illicit or illegal drugs (including psychedelics, performance steroids, and marijuana) may require additional review beyond a typical one-week full board review cycle. Efforia will require a medical provider review all participants and a prescription must be issued.

Sexual Health for Sexual Minorities and Marginalized Populations

Homosexuality remains illegal in some jurisdictions. Likewise, prostitution is illegal in many locations. Protocols that provide important prevention, and sexual health interventions may be approved with additional protections,

Exposure to Infectious, Toxic or Carcinogenic Agents

Protocols that purposefully expose participants to toxic, infectious, or carcinogenic agents, even with their consent, if these agents offer no known therapeutic benefit by itself/themselves will immediately be rejected. This applies even if the protocol is designed to test potential cures or protective agents.

However, it's possible to modify such protocols to evaluate the efficacy of therapeutic elements designed to protect against or cure exposure to such agents. The protocol should be structured to monitor participants over time, taking into account their natural exposure to these agents through their regular daily activities and habits. This approach ensures that the research remains within ethical guidelines while still exploring potential protective or curative treatments.

Advanced/Intense Interventions

Protocols involving surgeries or other advanced interventions are encouraged, but require more information about the individual conducting the procedure and the facilities where these activities will take place. These protocols may need additional review beyond a typical one-week full board review cycle.

Immediate Rejection

Certain types of protocols will not be tolerated and will be rejected immediately. It may also result in blacklisting from the platform, and in extreme cases referral to appropriate authorities.

  • Protocols promoting, inducing, or advocating hate speech, violence, sexual exploitation, or personal harm.

  • Illegal activity within a specific jurisdiction other than those specifically discussed requiring additional review.

  • Biased protocols designed only and specifically to produce a predetermined outcome.

  • Protocols involving interventions or treatments administered without the participant's expressed consent recorded on the Efforia platform.

Efforia is committed to ensuring the highest standards of safety, respect, and ethical conduct in all protocols. We appreciate your understanding and adherence to these guidelines.

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