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Why Would I Hide My Product or Service?
Why Would I Hide My Product or Service?
Written by Matthew Amsden
Updated over a week ago

To ensure the effectiveness and compliance of our protocols, it is imperative that all products and services, regardless of their intended exclusivity, are included in our library. This inclusion is crucial for several reasons:

  • Comprehensive Fulfillment and Support: By adding your product or service to our library, you enable us to accurately fulfill protocol requirements and provide informed customer support.

  • Regulatory and Ethical Compliance: The availability of your product or service in our library is essential for regulatory and ethics reviews, ensuring that all protocols adhere to necessary standards.

You always have the opportunity to comment on, accept and/or reject protocols that include your product or service before that protocol activates to participants.

However, there are specific, limited scenarios where hiding your product or service entirely from the AI protocol design assistant and all collaboration possibilities might be appropriate:

  • Alpha or Beta Testing: If your product or service is in the early stages of development (alpha or beta), not ready for "prime time" and you are seeking initial feedback through a sponsored protocol, it may not yet be suitable for wider usage.

  • Placebo Usage: Your product or service is designed as a placebo, intended for use only in very specific circumstances.

  • Discontinuation Phase: You are phasing out your product or service, but it is still part of ongoing protocols that are nearing completion.

Remember, the decision to hide a product or service should be carefully considered, as it significantly impacts its integration and utilization in our system.

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