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Setting Your Product & Service Default Task Contents
Setting Your Product & Service Default Task Contents
Written by Patrick Killen
Updated over a week ago

To ensure proper usage of your product or service within a protocol, you can create default task content. This content will be automatically included in protocols when an author selects your product or service. Although authors can make edits if needed, most will use your default content.

Here's how you can update your product or service's default task contents:

  1. Navigate to your product dashboard.

  2. Click on the appropriate product or service entry.

There are two default content types to complete:

  • Product/Service Instructions Title & Body: This content will be presented to the participant upon their first use of your product or service. Use this section to provide all essential instructions for a novice user.

  • Reminder Task Title & Body: If your product or service will be used multiple times throughout a protocol, create a general reminder title and body text. This provides a base that a protocol author can customize to fit their specific protocol needs.

By clearly defining these instructions, you give protocol authors ready to go details so participants can effectively use your product or service as part of their protocol journey.

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